Monday, April 9, 2007

world might be greener tomorrow

at times, feel happy to see the world at large realizing the need to tackle global warming.
being associated with implementing various CDM projects fo my organization, i have tried to go a little deeper on this stuff.
today CDM is helping developing countries to earn money by implementing greener technologies. i can feel a change in the mindset when i see more and more people talking about things like use of bio fuel, energy efficient practises etc.
i really feel that the poorer countries of the world should use this tool more effectively. i dont see much participation in CDM from the third world countries and thats very unfortunate. they are loosing a golden chance of helping in development of thier nation.
coming to india , i am sure that in a matter of few years, we will join the annex 1 countries whereby we would have to reduce GHG emmissions legally and those companies who would be green by that time would surely reap the benefits.
why wait tomorrow. lets turn green today

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